Export of Quality management process in Senegal

WAAPP / PPAAO (West African agricultural productivity program) asked for the experts of the Agap Joint Unit to realize quality analysis of their laboratories. Indeed, the World Bank finances a vast project of rehabilitation of researches facilities, provides that they obtain an international certification (ISO).

During 2013, Najate Maghnaoui, left to Lomé (Togo) to audit the various research structures, while Patricia Turquay, audited those from Burkina (Ouagadougou, Bobo Dioulasso).

After this first initiative, Patricia Turquay and Cathy Carasco-Lacombe (person in charge metrology of the UMR), went in Senegal from 17 till 22 March 2014. They made the same kind of expertise in CERAAS (Center of study regional for the improvement of the adaptation to the drought) of Thiès, to help them obtaining an ISO 9001 certification.

UMR Agap owns a real advantage in expertise in Quality and Metrology.

Published: 08/04/2014