International Agricultural Show 2017

CIRAD and the AFD at SIA 2017 - Agriculture and the Sustainable Development Goals

A conference "Des territoires ruraux vivants pour transformer le monde" Monday 27 February 2017.

Geo Coppens, an agronomist with CIRAD de the unit Genetic Improvement and Adaptation of Mediterranean and Tropical Plants (Agap), Elodie Valette, a geographer with CIRAD's ART-DEV research unit and Vatché Papazian, an agronomist with Agence Française de Développement (AFD), present the book thematic on the territories:

« Ici, nous défendons une idée optimiste et engagée du développement durable ».

The book reports on the technical, biological and institutional changes under way to varying extents within territories. It is a compilation of the experiences and views of more than 150 researchers and experts from CIRAD, the AFD and their partners.

Published: 27/02/2017