Expedition of the Hesperides on citrus fruits seen by Franck Curk of the Agap unit!

The Hortus association, Mediterranean Gardening France and the network of media libraries of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, invite you to attend the conference presented by Franck Curk, on Saturday 29th February from 3pm to 5pm at the Médiathèque Albert Camus - 12, Avenue Albert Camus 34830 Clapiers.

Franck Curk, agronomist engineer and geneticist from INRAE (CIRAD-INRAE-Montpellier SupAgro Agap Joint Research Unit), will present "the Hesperides expedition, or how citrus fruit conquered the world".

All public, free admission

Published: 27/02/2020