Xe International Symposium on Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management

June 2-5, 2015 - Agropolis International - Avenue Agropolis, Montpellier

Dear colleagues, dear modellers, 
I invite you to join the next meeting of ISHS working group on "Modelling in fruit research and orchard management" that will be held in Montpellier, France, from June 2nd to June 5th 2015. Modelling fruiting plants in their environment is a challenging issue, in particular in the context of ongoing global climatic changes. After several years during which many models have been developed, the present challenges for modellers are to make models more useful and able to respond to environmental fluctuations, capture orchard system complexities and/or account for genetic variation. Model goals are to provide integrated understanding and cross-talk between physiological processes at multiple plant scales, optimizing trait combinations for selecting innovative genotypes, simulating complex orchard designs for limiting spread of insects or pathogens, and anticipating effects of soil water restriction or changes in temperatures on plant and/or fruit development. During this meeting, we expect reports of innovative research on all these exciting topics and will promote exchanges of ideas and interactions between scientists by stimulating open discussions between disciplines, model developers, plant biologists and horticulturists.
Hoping to seeing you soon in Montpellier

Published: 07/05/2015