Plant and stand development and functions


Last update: 30 December 2021

Identify key traits and processes involved in development and in adaptation to the environment

The traits studied are root and aboveground organ development, flowering (period, intensity, regularity), product quality and the eco-physiological responses of plants to their environment. Variations in these traits are studied in some major recombinant or diversity populations and/or in different agro-environmental contexts (including variety and species mixes),  link with clusters 2 and 4

Elucidate the key mechanisms involved in the elaboration of traits of interest and their genetic and environmental variation

The molecular, physiological and ecophysiological mechanisms involved in trait elaboration, phenotype construction, and in key processes, are characterized by highlighting and validating the function of genes/alleles, gene networks and regulation pathways.

Multi-scale (cell, tissue and plant) and/or multi-trait approaches are developed to study regulations on different scales, notably gene and genome expression (transcriptional, post-transcriptional, translational, etc.),  link with cluster 2.

Model genotype-phenotype relations and GxE interactions

The different “omic” data and multi-scales are analysed and integrated with cluster 2. Ecophysiological models are being developed, and their convergence with genetic modelling is being worked on, in liaison with cluster 4.

We are also developing data analysis pipelines for data obtained from the high through-put phenotyping of large populations that we are using to assess traits or performance in various agrosystems, including mixes of varieties or species.

Compare mechanisms between species

The range of species studied in the Unit makes it possible to compare mechanisms between cereal species (Rice-Sorghum-Wheat) on the one hand, and between perennial plants on the other hand, as well as between species producing compounds of interest (rubber, oil, gum, etc.).

Last update: 30 December 2021