Jeudis d'Agap : Machine Learning in (plant) biology from gene regulatory networks, to microscopy enhancement by deep learning and to a new kind of GWAS

21 octobre 2021

mphithéâtre J. Alliot, site Lavalette de Montpellier et en webinaire.

Présentation de du Gabriel Krouk, CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), jeudi 21 octobre 2021 de 14:00 à 15:30


During this presentation I will present how, while studying plant nutritionnal interactions (NxP mainly), we employed machine learning (including deep learning) to address several fundamental questions (Gene Regulatory Network simulations and learning), and technical limitations (image analysis, single molecule tracking, and data enhancement). To finish I will show you very new results we obtained on a new kind of GWAS that we call next-gen GWAS (or NGG). Some of these technologies are transfered to BionomeeX a new start-up company meant to ease the use of machine learning/modeling/math in biology.


Gabriel Krouk
Chercheur au laboratoire de Biochimie et physiologie moléculaire des plantes
Directeur scientifique de Bionomeex