2019 Agapiades

Scientific days organized for non-permanent (Masters 2, Phd students and post-doctoral students).

The AGAPIADES are back for a second edition on May 20th and 21st 2019 at CIRAD Lavalette, Montpellier, amphitheater Jacques Alliot.

The AGAPIADES are scientific days held by the Ph.D. students from the UMR AGAP (genetic improvement and adaptation of Mediterranean and tropical plants). During those two days, the non-permanent staff (Interns, Ph.D. student, fixed-term contract) from the UMR AGAP and UMR with similar scientific thematics have the opportunity to present their work to the scientific community. This is the chance to show your work, broaden your scientific horizons and open yourself to professional opportunities.

Registration  and submission of the abstracts (deadline: April 30th)

If you want to present your work, please complete the registration form.

Best regards,
AGAPIADES organization team

Published: 11/04/2019