The Unit

The very large research unit Agap Institute (Genetic Improvement and Adaptation of Mediterranean and Tropical Plants) is a joint research unit.

It brings together more than 300 people developing scientific research of excellence in plant biology and plant genetics and produces knowledge to meet the major societal challenges of agriculture in the South and North.
Agap Institute is under the supervision of four research and higher education organizations: CIRADINRAE, Agro-Montpellier SupAgro Institute and the University of Montpellier.

  • 300
  • permanent staff
  • 13
  • scientific teams
  • 17
  • platforms
  • 150
  • scientific articles a year

  • The Unit

    © UMR Agap Institute
    In order to take up the challenges facing Mediterranean and tropical agriculture, the Agap Unit seeks to combine a wide diversity of skills, approaches and resources for cultivated plants that are better suited to diverse agrosystems.

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  • Biological resource centres

    Gousses de medicago truncatula. Jean-Marie Prosperi, ©Inra
    Agap manages some major collections of plant genetic resources (Medicago truncatula, grapevine, rice, sorghum, cotton, groundnut, etc.) amounting to date to almost 60,000 accessions gathered in several biological resource centres (BRCs).

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  • Quality & Metrology

    Quality & metrology. © F. Curk, INRAE
    The UMR Agap Institute has been working for several years to continuously improve the working environment of its agents, trainees and PhD students.

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  • Prevention / Safety

    Prevention / Safety 2021. © Franck Curk, INRAE
    The management of UMR Agap Institut is responsible for guaranteeing the health and safety of their employees, partners and guests, as well as the protection of properties and the environment.

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