Biological resource centres

Agap manages some major collections of plant genetic resources (Medicago truncatula, grapevine, rice, sorghum, cotton, groundnut, etc.) amounting to date to almost 60,000 accessions gathered in several biological resource centres (BRCs).

These collections are made up of different categories of genetic resources: French national collections and heritage resources, original materials, species related to the cultivated or wild species worked on, resources of a scientific nature like rice insertion lines. BRCs are intended to enrich the collections with new accessions, and keep them under optimum conditions and, lastly, make them available to interested parties.

Agap’s scope extends to 3 BRCs: GAMET in Montpellier, BRC for Tropical Plants in the West Indies and BRC for perennial plants in French Guiana. Two other BRCs are associated: Grapevine BRC near Montpellier and Citrus BRC in Corsica.

Through the ARCAD (Agropolis Resource Centre for Crop Conservation, Adaptation and Diversity) project, the Agap unit is also the Project manager for the Florilège portal. It offers a gateway to the plant biological resources for agriculture conserved in France (metropolitan and overseas). In its current configuration, it represents the network of Plant Biological Resource Centers (BRCs) managed by INRAE, Cirad and IRD. This network is the "Model and cultivated plants" pillar of the national infrastructure AgroBRC-RARe which brings together five networks of Biological Resource Centers: model and cultivated plants, domestic animals and wild species related to domestic animals, micro-organisms of agronomic or agri-food interest, environmental organisms and forest trees.