A website for the project REGEPE, Biological Resource Center for perennial plants in French Guiana

The CIRAD centre in French Guiana is home to a BRC (Biological Resource Center), which currently houses collections of coffee, cocoa and rubber trees, under the name "Plantes Pérennes en Guyane" PPG (Perennial Plants in French Guiana).

The REGEPE project aims to lead the BRC towards a certification process, which would give it visibility at the national and international level..

The project also envisages the progressive enlargement of the number of collections integrated into the BRC and the certification perimeter. Initially, the collections of two forest trees of strong economic interest for French Guiana, Aquilaria spp. and Aniba rosa, will be integrated into the BRC.

In the longer term, beyond the current project, other endogenous forest species may be introduced. The idea is to gradually develop a BRC "Perennial and Forest Plants in French Guiana", unique at the international level.

Such a BRC would position French Guiana and its collections at the heart of international research and development networks.

The first AFNOR certification visit is scheduled for May 2020.

Published: 25/02/2020