AGAP Institute at the 3rd Agropol'Eat festival

A festive event in the Agropolis district, on the banks of the Lez river, to share, explore and enjoy together the challenges of sustainable food, the environment and the preservation of Biodiversity.

The Agropol'Eat association's annual day of festivities took place on Sunday June 30, 2024. The association ( supports the promotion of a third place on the Agropolis site, in the light of the challenges of sustainable food, the environment and the preservation of Biodiversity).
The program includes strolls, entertainment, activities, exhibitions, tastings and reflections on the evolution of the site, in the shady setting of the banks of the Lez, under the trees or on the forecourt of the former Henri de Lunaret Orphanage, an agricultural apprenticeship center.

Claire Billot, Director of the UMR Agap Institut, took part in a round-table discussion in the "Papotes et Popotes" series, addressing the themes of health, the living environment and reconnecting with nature.

Franck Curk, INRAe research engineer, hosted the "Plants and us, a shared history" game stand to identify the plants that lurk in our daily lives and find out more about each of them.

Presentation by the Agap Institut joint research unit (

The day ended with the fanfar'ov, a Balkan brass band from the Est des Beaux-Arts, a grand banquet and an exceptional concert by the Cholao National Orchestra.

The future development of the large La Valette estate (Projet Grand Lunaret) was also discussed, in connection with the zoo's planned shrinkage, which will lead to a review and articulation of circulations, experiments, mediation, training courses, etc. To be continued!

Published: 05/07/2024