Agap Institute presents at the 2021 Science Festival

The Science Festival celebrates this year its 30th anniversary. The scientists of the UMR Agap Institut are involved in a workshop: "Cultivated plants deliver their mysteries" on Saturday, October 9, 2021 at the Parc du Lunaret in Montpellier and move to the Natural History Museum of Nîmes on Sunday, October 10, 2021.

From the University of Montpellier's Science Village to the Nîmes Natural History Museum and the new ARCAD biological and plant resource center, scientists from Agap Institut and CIRAD will be the best ambassadors for science.
Come and share the excitement of discoveries during this day of activities open to the public! Come and meet researchers and science enthusiasts who are passionate about their fields of interest!

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Published: 29/09/2021