ARCAD experimental set-up phenotyping gantry

An experimental system installed on the ARCAD building site, consisting of individual trays dedicated to the installation of plant cover.

It enables the detailed study of the functioning of these canopies through the non-destructive acquisition of data on vegetation dynamics. The Ge2Pop team's phenotyping platform uses high-throughput phenotyping tools (imaging, hyperspectral camera) to characterize the plants grown in these containers.
Since August 2023, the experimental set-up has been equipped with a motorized gantry to carry these phenotyping tools and position them above the plants with great precision. All the data acquisition sensors can now be attached to the gantry's nacelle. In 2024, a second development phase will automate movements and measurements, giving access to the dynamic dimension of data acquisition.
This phenotyping gantry is designed to produce high-throughput biological data, some of which is already available (coverage rate, senescence indices), while others are being finalized (plant height, 3D canopy structure) or under construction (weed detection, species/variety discrimination). New sensors will also be acquired in 2023 (LIDAR, 3D imaging, thermal imaging). This facility is also intended to support the development of plant characterization tools, hosting projects by partner units and training initiatives.

Published: 20/10/2023