Atelier Sorgho : une plante multi-usages

Un atelier s'est tenu du 7 au 9 mars 2012 à Montpellier, visant à définir une stratégie globale de recherche pour le développement de l'utilisation du sorgho pour l'alimentation animale, la bioénergie et les biomatériaux. Des scientifiques du Brésil, du Mali, du Burkina et du Sénégal ont participé à cette rencontre. Cette réflexion fait écho au financement du projet Biomass For The Future qui vise la mise en place de filières de valorisation de la biomasse à base de miscanthus et de sorgho au niveau national.

If sorghum is primarily considered as a pillar of food security in developing country, its use for animal nutrition, energy and biomaterial production is increasingly underlined. CIRAD is involved in several projects aiming to develop sorghum for feed and bioenergy purposes (ANR GRassbiofuel, UE-FP7 Sweetfuel, ANR S3F for Haïti…). In Brazil EMBRAPA is currently developing sorghum varieties able to complement ethanol production based on sugarcane. In West Africa, the role of sorghum towards animal nutrition is more and more mentioned. The participants of the workshop first elaborated a global strategy aiming to support the development of sorghum as a multi-purpose crop, and then lines of research of common interest including : the development of tools to characterize the nutritional and energetic value of sorghum biomass, the characterization of the phenotypic diversity of sorghum for non-food traits, the development of high resolution populations for the analysis of traits of agronomic interest, the requirements for integrative crop livestock system modelling... were identified.

Published: 30/03/2012