Climate change: Denis Fabre, ecophysiologist of the Agap unit talks about it!

How might rice react to climate change?

To find out, CIRAD researchers simulated the climate we are likely to have in 30 years' time, in a high-tech laboratory. The conclusion was that depending on the rice variety, photosynthesis and production were boosted, albeit to varying extents, by an increase in atmospheric CO2. Morphology, notably the leaf:panicle ratio, could determine a plant's capacity to benefit from increased CO2. This research will be an asset in steering future varietal breeding programmes, as shown in this video, in the run-up UN Climate Action Summit.

Reportage Riz Serre. D. Fabre. © Cirad, 2019


Triose Phosphate Utilization is key to photosynthetic response of rice to future climates and variable C source-sink relations

Genotypic variation in morphological source and sink traits affects the response of rice photosynthesis and growth to elevated atmospheric CO2

Published: 04/10/2019