Job offer: Computer engineer, Administrator of massive data management systems

The UMR AGAP Institute generates massive amounts of omics data, from genomics, driven by advances in new sequencing technologies, to phenomena with the use of high-throughput phenotyping.

You will be in charge of deploying data management systems that trace the entire life cycle of the data produced and analyzed by the unit, and make them FAIR, i.e. easy to find, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. You will promote the automatic harvesting of data and their integration into scientific Information Systems (IS) such as the Genome Hubs of the South Green platform, or those dedicated to the management of genetic resources and plant breeding such as Florilege and BMS. These IS are connected to analysis and visualization tools.
You will primarily develop and maintain FAIR data warehouses that meet the needs of users. In the medium term, you will implement interoperability with external systems such as those managing, for example, machine actionable data management plans or managing the submission of sequence data to European and international generic and thematic warehouses.
You will be able to rely on a data and computing infrastructure managed by the Bioinformatics platform of the unit and hosted by the Meso@LR mesocenter.
Your developments will take into account the CARE aspect (collective benefit, control authority, responsibility, ethics) in order to respect access and benefit sharing to partners from Mediterranean and tropical countries.

You will work in interaction with the South Green network, the INRAe network of data referents, the IFB (French Institute of Bioinformatics), the ISDM (Institute of Data Sciences Montpellier), the European network Elixir. You will have a part of transverse activities beyond the unit in which you will make sure that the other units of the Bios department, to which the AGAPi unit is attached, benefit from your competences (e.g. mutualization of tools, training), in particular through a network of operational 'data' focal points that will be set up between the different units.
You will be welcomed within the bioinformatics collective of the UMR AGAP Institute.

Desired profile

Education and experience required :
Diploma of engineering school, computer science school or Master specialized in scientific data management
Scientific and technical skills required :
- Knowledge in scientific information systems, especially in data warehouse management and metadata standards
- Programming in Python, bash
- Knowledge of web technologies (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript)
- Knowledge in the deployment of API-REST applications would be appreciated
Interpersonal skills:
- Taste for teamwork in a multidisciplinary environment
- Autonomy and sense of initiative
- Ability to adapt to a non-specialist audience

Published: 17/03/2023