Job offer: Field Technician Specialized in Applied Plant Biology (Guyana)

The CIRAD station at Pointe-Combi in Sinnamary is a field base where collections and trials of tropical perennial plants (cocoa, coffee, rubber, palm, citrus ...) are established in a secure (no major seismic, political or climatic risks) and ecologically favorable environment.

These collections are managed within the framework of the Centre de Ressources Biologiques de Plantes Pérennes en Guyane (CRB-PPG), which is ISO 9001 certified for the coffee and cocoa collections. The ambitions of the Pointe-Combi station are the conservation of this genetic diversity and its use in research programs, as well as their availability for external applicants in compliance with international rules of plant material transfer.

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Published: 06/01/2023