Job offer: Senior ecophysiology technician

The mission of the UMR AGAP Institute ecophysiology platform is to host and support research teams wishing to analyze plant functioning in controlled environments representative of current and future climates, or in in situ conditions. A scientific watch is regularly kept on methods and tools for the ecophysiological characterization of plant material.

It studies both the plant's aerial apparatus - notably in the Abiophen greenhouse, which reproduces target climatic conditions for adaptation research - and its roots, using the Rhizoscope, a tool specifically developed to describe and analyze subsoil organs. To this end, the platform boasts a range of high-performance measurement resources, enabling it to analyze the fundamental physiological processes involved in plant functioning and its interaction with the environment.
From a scientific point of view, it focuses on medium-speed phenotyping, with an emphasis on detailed analysis. For the most part, these activities are aimed at comparing genotypes in their response to constraints related to climate change, notably air temperature, atmospheric CO2, water stress and light.
The platform's activities support numerous collaborations with AGAP Institut teams, as well as with research units from other CIRAD departments and/or other research organizations (INRAE, IRD, CNRS, University).

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Published: 14/09/2023