Montpellier Vine & Wine Sciences International seminar

In cooperation with scientists from USA (University of California Davis, Cornell University), South Africa (Stellenbosch University) and Chile (Universidad de Chile, INIA La Platina), the Key Initiative (KIM) Montpellier Vine & Wine Sciences, supported by the University of Montpellier, and its partners INRAE and Institut Agro Montpellier, organized a 3-days scientific seminar (october 11-13, 2022) on the campus Institut Agro-INRAE of Montpellier.

This event, which follows the remote seminar organized in June 2021, brought together involved world-class scientific speakers from local and international institutions with the aim of sharing knowledge to design cooperative research programs tackling some of the current challenges of the wine industry.

One hundred and twenty scientists and staffs from fourteen countries participated in conferences and workshops, organized around four key topics:

  • Adaptation and mitigation of climate change issues ;
  • Reduction of chemical inputs ;
  • Building wine quality ;
  • Biodiversity, microbiomes and ecosystems.

Several initiatives were formalized to combine international expertise and construct international research partnerships.

Published: 20/10/2022