Plants like you’ve never seen them before!

A "Science to Business" open-day of the Plant Histocytology and Cell Imaging platform (PHIV) was held on Friday 15 February 2019 at CIRAD, boulevard de la Lironde, in Montpellier.

Discover some practical examples of how plant imaging is used in R&D projects with some partner firms. A day attended by around thirty private companies organized by the AD’OCC agency, CIRAD, INRA and Montpellier SupAgro.

>> Cirad multimedia video : Presentation of the PHIV platform

Imaging is a basic challenge for the life sciences, which are involved in our food, cosmetic and pharmacological products, our homes and, more widely, in our daily environment. Many agricultural and industrial fields can benefit from the information provided by our imaging research and state-of-the-art equipment.

Production LEEDZ Agency, 2019

Published: 20/02/2019