Romain Fernandez, newly recruited in the UMR Agap institute

Romain Fernandez joined the PhenoMEn team (Phenotyping and Plant Modelling in their Agro-climatic Environment) as an image analysis researcher on January 11, 2021. Based in Montpellier, he will collaborate on UMR AGAP projects within PhenoMEn’s Math-Infos group.

As a microelectronics engineer, Romain studied 3D geometrical modeling of the cardiac muscle at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis to simulate the patient's “numerical twin” (CardioSense3D project). He did his thesis in computer science at CIRAD, developing 3D+t geometric models of rice root meristems and Arabidopsis flower bud at the cellular scale to study the respective contribution of cell divisions and cell elongation on morphogenesis. During his post-doctoral work at the Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin (IFV), he designed imaging protocols and image analysis tools to study grapevine wood diseases in 3D+t. His work allowed non-destructive characterization of the degraded wood extent, opening new perspectives for vine resistance phenotyping.

Within the PhenoMEn team, Romain will design new multi-scale image analysis tools to automate the identification and measurement of plant traits: leaf area, production, or stress resistance. These data will feed plant models to evaluate or predict optimal combinations of traits and cultivation practices in current or future agro-climatic scenarios.

In his free time, Romain enjoys hiking, cycling, playing the guitar, and reading.

As a founding member of a scouting movement, “Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs de la Nature”, recognized by the French Ministry of Education and by the World Organisation of the Scout Movement, Romain is committed to education for cooperation, inclusion, and sustainable development. He spent years in the field, first with young people as a scout chief, then with adult volunteers as a trainer, and later as the french scout federation’s national commissioner for adult training.

Published: 01/03/2021