Sergi Navarro Sanz has just been recruited in UMR Agap

Sergi Navarro Sanz joined the team Adaptive Development of Rice (DAR) in Montpellier as a technician on January 1, 2020. He also works for the Platform for PHIV platform (Plant Histocytology and Cell Imaging).

La première expérience professionnelle de Sergi s’est déroulée dans la société biopharmaceutique Oryzon DX pendant 5 ans. Il y a étudié la génétique du riz, du tabac et du sorgho et a participé en même temps à la création d’un kit de PCR de détection précoce du cancer de l’endomètre humain.

Sergi's first professional experience was in the biopharmaceutical company Oryzon DX for 5 years. There he studied the genetics of rice, tobacco and sorghum and at the same time participated in the creation of a PCR kit for the early detection of human endometrial cancer.
Sergi then worked for 2 years at the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona for studies on dietary microconstituents and for some research projects of the World Antidoping Agency (WADA).
Arriving in France in 2014 in the Diabetes Genetics team at INSERM in Nice, Sergi studied the genetic development of the pancreas in mice. Sergi is recruited in the DAR team as a polyvalent technician and also devotes 30% of his time to the PHIV platform where he is in charge of the laser microdissection microscope.
Sergi's passions are oriented towards music and biomedical research. In addition, he is committed to the fight against climate change.

Published: 26/03/2020