Two specialists from Benin received for training on cotton molecular genetics

The AGAP Research Unit received two researchers from Benin's Institut National des Recherches Agricoles (INRAB), Marius Sinha et Alexis Hougni, in november 2011. The two researchers specializing in cotton genetics and breeding, came to France for training courses in molecular genetics, in Montpellier, Lille and Toulouse.

As part of this programme, they attended in Montpellier the conferences of the Thematic School "Functional Genomics applied to Tropical and Mediterranean Plants of Agronomic Interest" of the Master "Plant Functional Biology", organized by Claudine Franche (IRD) and Eric Lacombe (UMII). Their stay and visit into UMR Agap's scientific facilities, taking part in some experiments, and the scientific  documentation provided, contributed to reinforce their knowledge about molecular genetics methodologies and equipments.

Discussions have dealt with their objectives about the study of cotton genetic resources and possible collaborations with UMR Agap.

Published: 05/12/2011