Vegetal histo-cytology technics and plant anatomy

Enter the fascinating world of plants and discover the intimacy of their cellular organization.


  • You will learn to recognize different tissues and discover the internal organization of organs (stems, roots, flowers, fruits)  
  • You will touch upon the astonishing anatomical biodiversity of plants and discover the fascinating way in which certain structures are adapted to accomplish a given function, or ensure the survival of the plant in a difficult environment (drought, excess water, saline environment, high luminosity)  
  • You will discover the importance of tissue in a large number of plant‑based products we use (natural rubber, wood, cork, textile fibres, natural dyes, aromatic plants, food plants)  
  • You will deepen your understanding of plants and develop your powers of observation 


  • Acquire the basics or strengthen what you know about plant anatomy
  • Learn to make a diagnosis by observing histological cross-sections
  • Learn how to adjust and use an essential tool in anatomy: the light microscope (transmitted light and epifluorescence)
  • Learn to choose, carry out and interpret staining depending on the problem
  • Discover the merits of comparative anatomy in plants and the diversity of its contributions to botany, systematics, developmental biology, plant physiology and ecology, for studying plant-environment relations, but also for the technology of plant-based products

Intended for:

Researchers, teachers, technicians, engineers, industrialists, anybody fascinated by the Plant Kingdom.


French (English on request)


Day 1

  • Introduction to plant anatomy (its history and its importance today for the plant sciences)
  • Proper use of the microscope (description, main settings and maintenance). Phase contrast, interferential contrast (Nomarski), darkfield, brightfield, epifluorescence: principles and uses. Taking images and digital photos
  • Preparing samples and specificity of plant histology: fixing, dehydration, embedding in paraffin, in resin (glycol methacrylate) (respective advantages and drawbacks). Taking cross-sections (free-hand, microtome, vibratome).

Day 2

  • Plant anatomy: plant tissues (their main characteristics and functions). Exercises in recognizing tissues on slides
  • Plant tissue staining, choices and principles; topological, histochemical staining
  • The main flurorochromes, their uses and specificity (targeting of organites, primary and secondary metabolites, physiological functions, etc.)
  • Staining, reading, validation and interpretation

Day 3

  • Structure of the main plant organs (stems, roots, leaves and flowers). Primary body/secondary body
  • Recognising organs and tissues on slides, diagnoses
  • Histo-enzymology notions: locating enzymatic activities on slides

Day 4

  • Comparative anatomy, structure/function relations, relations between structure and adaptation to different environments and biotopes
  • Anatomical bases for the manufacturing and optimum use of plant-based products (food plants, spice and aroma plants, latex plants, fibre plants, dye plants)

The course will include some practical work for each of the topics covered.


Christine Sanier, Frédéric Gatineau, Jean-luc Verdeil

2019 Brochure

Published: 18/02/2019