
Diversity of varieties and farming systems as an asset of Mediterranean oleiculture in a global change setting

Date de début de projet


Date de fin du projet



  • Understand the biological, economic and social factors for the sustainability of Mediterranean olive production in response to climate change
  • Open new spaces of dialogue between the actors of the olive sector, research and international bodies to raise awareness and collaborate in designing and managing strategies for adaptation to climate change


Maroc et France


The ClimOliveMed project acknowledges that tomorrow's Mediterranean olive growing will have to link the issues of adaptation to climate change, biodiversity and sustainable production.Based on a partnership between academic and professional actors of the olive sector on the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean, we are betting on diversity as a bulwark against global changes: diversity of varieties, diversity of production systems and diversity of olive actors: olive growers, processors, olive interprofessions, genetic resources managers and researchers.

Objective WP1

To define the most relevant and easily measured phenotypic traits and associated genomic variants to characterize local genetic resources for (i) flowering traits and (ii) drought tolerance to identify genotypes adapted to change.

Objective WP2

To understand to what extent olive growers and stakeholders in the sector can mobilize the genetic and phenotypic potential of varieties to meet the challenges of climate change.

Objective WP3

To open new spaces of deliberation with all interested parties to reflect on the diversity of strategies to fight against climate change and to make explicit the differences in representations of the problems of collective action.


Consortium France :

UMRs Labex Agro: Institut AGAP, DIADE, ABSys, SENS, ART-DEV

others UMRs : CEFE (Montpellier), Gretha (Bordeaux)

Gestionnaire de ressources génétiques : CRB olivier, CBNMed

Interprofession France Olive

Instances internationales : COI (Madrid) & FAO/TIRPAA (Rome)

Consortium marocain :

4 Universities (Université Ibn Tofail, University Sultan Moulay Slimane, University Abdelmalek Essaâdi, University Cadi Ayyad) Institut agronomique et vétérinaire (IAV) Hassan II, INRA et InterPrOlive.


Co-financement: 1 750 K€

Consortium français : 840 K€

Consortium marocain : 840 K€

Consortium Intern. : 70 K

Olive tree, climate change, agrobiodiversity, flowering, drought, genomics, adaptation, farm management and practices, value chain, knowledge sharing, interdisciplinary research, transdisciplinary research