Our scientific and technical expertise

The Agap Institute unit manages 4 platforms and 14 technical platforms composed of workshops open to the local, national and international community.

The UMR Agap Institut thus provides equipment, know-how and methodological development to explore diversity and meet the challenges of plant improvement and adaptation.
Our facilities allow to explore a scientific question from the gene to the whole plant in its environment.

A recognized regional expertise

UMR Agap Institute participates in platforms (PHIV, GPTRG) managed by several units, which are themselves integrated into larger platforms (MRI and MGX) with biosafety components of the UMS Biocampus.

Software platforms

The unit develops software platforms (modeling: Open Alea and bioinformatics: South Green Bioinformatics platform) in collaboration with other institutions (Inria, Inrae, IRD, Bioversity). It has set up an international hosting platform to support research projects using the tools and know-how available on the various platforms.

The platforms are managed by a scientific steering committee in which the partner institutions and units are represented. Their results are presented on an annual basis to user committees.

The development of these 4 platforms was supported by the Génopole Languedoc Roussillon (2000-2007), the Daphne Federative Research Institute (2007-2010), Europe, the Languedoc Roussillon Region (FEDER and CPER projects) and the Agropolis Foundation.

Technical platforms