DormApp: Genetic and molecular characterization of bud dormancy in apple

Dormancy is an adaptive mechanism that enables plants to survive unfavourable climatic conditions and allows budbreak and flowering to occur only when the conditions are more permissive. The production of temperate fruits, such as apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.), is closely related to bud dormancy, given that a well-adjusted dormancy cycle is crucial for appropriate flowering time and the achievement of their full production potential.

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This project bilateral project between France and Brazil aims to identify and characterize genes playing a regulatory role in the bud dormancy process in apple through the combination of genetic and molecular strategies, by

  • exploring an apple core collection established in France and several cultivars from Brazil aiming to identify allelic variations present in genes involved in bud dormancy and flowering control;
  • molecularly characterizing dormancy regulation candidates, whose mechanism of action during dormancy are not yet understood.


France, Brazil


UMR AGAP, Embrapa Uva e Vinho, Brazil


Architecture and functioning of fruit species (AFEF)




Apple, dormancy