MALIN: Surveillance, diagnostic, control and impact of human, animal and plant infectious diseases in a tropical island environment

MALIN aims at improving the control of human, animal and plant infectious diseases in Guadeloupe and the Caribbean. The project consortium includes partners involved in research, surveillance and control of such diseases in Guadeloupe and beyond, and develops a multidisciplinary approach associating microbiology, epidemiology, entomology and socio-economy.

Date de début de projet


Date de fin du projet



  • Improve knowledge, diagnostic and surveillance for infectious diseases of interest for Guadeloupe and the Caribbean
  • Elaborate and implement sustainable alternative strategies for fighting these diseases
  • Transfer innovations arising from the project to end users
  • Training of the future local research leaders in infectiology




Project activities aim at elaborating and implementing strategies for the control on infectious diseases in Guadeloupe and the Caribbean through :

  • The improvement of diagnostic and surveillance and research on  factors facilitating the emergence of infectious diseases in Guadeloupe and the Caribbean. For this, the project creates inovative diagnostic tools and takes part in the reinforcement of regional surveillance networks.
  • The design and implementation of sustainable alternative methods for the control of infectious diseases, based on the development of new vaccines, non-chemical methods for the control of insect vectors and the exploitation of genetic resistance traits.


ARS, CHU, CIRAD, FREDON, INRA, Institut Pasteur de Guadeloupe, ORSaG, Santé Publique France, Université des Antilles


Genetics and improvement of banana and pineapple (GABA)


European Union and Guadeloupe Region


Infectious diseases ; viruses ; bacteria ; fungi ; One health