Project OASIs

We are testing the use of phenomic and genomic tools to select progenies within integration crosses, i.e. between iconic and resistant grapevine varieties. In this context, the final goal is to select individuals which display the characteristics of their iconic parental variety while being resistant to diseases.

Date de début de projet


Date de fin du projet



Development of decision-making tools to accelerate breeding in the context of grapevine integration crosses.




Phenomic analyses mainly consist of the use of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to discriminate progenies given their distance to their parents. These analyses will be performed on different tissues (leaves, wood, clusters) and with different types of equipment, including handheld micro-spectrometers. Considering genomics, we will look for polymorphisms (SNP) that display selection signatures related to the selection goals. These methodologies will first be tested with a semi-diallel mating design of 10 crosses from 5 parents and for which many data are readily available (WP1). Then, we will specifically test these tools within the integration crosses from the following wine regions: Cognac, Champagne, and Côtes-du-Rhône within WP2 and WP3. Finally, WP4 will ensure the good coordination of tasks within the project.


Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin,

Bureau National Interprofessionel du Cognac,

Comité Interprofessionel du Vin de Champagne,

Institut Rhodanien


Total cost: 255 643 €, CASDAR funding (French ministry of Agriculture and Food) : 120 055 €

Tags :

Phenomic selection, SPIR, selection traces, vine