Selecting novel banana varieties for domestic and export markets: Dessert bananas

Last update: 13 February 2023

The main objective of CIRAD's dessert banana breeding program is to create and select new varieties for domestic and export markets.

The targeted ideotypes are triploid varieties resistant to diseases (cercosporiosis and fusariosis - mainly race 1 and TR4), having a good adaptation to the different sectors (agronomic constraints, strong constraints of commercial and organoleptic fruit quality) while preserving, or even improving, the productivity.

The selection scheme comprises 4 phases. The first two phases are carried out in Guadeloupe at the Neufchâteau CIRAD experimental station. Phase 1 aims to characterize the most heritable traits. Phase 2 aims to assess the overall potential of the hybrids in terms of productivity, marketing and consumer acceptance. The third phase aims at optimizing the pre- and post-harvest technical itineraries in order to reach, for the best varieties, the last phase of the commercial launch. Phases 3 and 4 are carried out in a partnership network.

Relying on its Platform for the creation and selection of new dessert banana varieties located in Guadeloupe, the team conducts its work in close collaboration with research actors, technical institutes and industry sectors, at the national and international levels.

In addition to the platform, which is the operational basis for creation and evaluation, banana genetic improvement mobilizes the strengths of various CIRAD units in genetics, fruit technology-physiology, plant protection and agronomy-cropping systems.

On a larger scale, the evaluation of our best varieties is carried out through a partnership network to assess their agronomic performance under real conditions of infestation by different pathogens (cercosporiosis, fusariosis TR4, Moko disease, Freckle, nematodes and weevils) and in various pedoclimatic contexts. This multi-local approach also allows to evaluate their acceptability on different local markets. Thus, plots have been set up in the French overseas departments and territories (Guadeloupe, Reunion, Mayotte) as well as in Australia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Jamaica and Cuba.

Key publications

Bakry F., Horry J.P., Jenny C.. 2021. Making banana breeding more effective. In : Kema Gert H.J. (ed.), Drenth André (ed.). Achieving sustainable cultivation of bananas. Volume 2 - Germplasm and genetic improvement. Cambridge : Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, p. 217-256. (Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, 86).

F Salmon,, F Bakry, JC Efile, S Ricci, L Toniutti, JP Horry (à paraître) Banana breeding at CIRAD: Creating resistant new varieties to avoid the use of pesticides. Acta Horticulturae

Last update: 13 February 2023