Phenome and transcriptome of complex genomes

Last update: 16 March 2018

Interspecific hybridizations and allopolyploidization lead to the superimposition of differentiated regulation networks, along with epigenetic reformatting and the activation of transposition events that can lead to non Mendelian heredity. The novel material created by the team (allotetraploid somatic hybrids, interspecific hybrids, doubled diploids, etc.) enable it to approach research issues linked to the expression of complex genomes by working on original and diversified models.

The studies undertaken on Citrus allotetraploid somatic hybrids have revealed some non-additive expressions of the phenome, proteome and transcriptome.  For instance, the aromatic profiles of common mandarin (C. deliciosa) displayed overall dominance over those of six other species with which it was combined (Gancel et al., 2003). Likewise, the leaf proteomes of two interspecific allotetraploid hybrids, C. deliciosa + C. aurantifolia and intergeneric hybrids, C. deliciosa + Fortunella japonica proved to be much closer to those of the mandarin than to those of the other parent (Gancel et al., 2006). Lastly, the genes differentially expressed in lemons and mandarins globally displayed an expression closer to that of mandarin (Bassene et al., 2009, 2010). Be it for the phenome, proteome or transcriptome, the non-expressions and over-expressions of common mandarin are globally found in somatic hybrids. Some studies are under way on interspecific hybrids at diploid level.

References cited

  • Bassene, J.B., Froelicher, Y., Dhuique Mayer, C., Mouhaya, W., Ferrer, R.M., Ancillo, G., Morillon, R., Navarro, L., Ollitrault, P. (2009) Non-additive phenotypic and transcriptomic inheritance in a citrus allotetraploid somatic hybrid between C. reticulata and C. limon: The case of pulp carotenoid biosynthesis pathway. Plant Cell Reports, 28 (11): 1689-1697
  • Bassene, J.B., Froelicher, Y., Dubois, C., Ferrer, R.M., Navarro, L., Ollitrault, P., Ancillo, G. (2010) Non-additive gene regulation in a citrus allotetraploid somatic hybrid between C. reticulata Blanco and C. limon (L.) Burm. Heredity, 105 (3): 299-308.
  • Gancel AL, Ollitrault P, Froelicher Y, Tomi F, Jacquemond C, Luro F et al. (2003) Leaf volatile compounds of seven citrus somatic tetraploid hybrids sharing Willowleaf mandarin (Citrus deliciosa Ten) as their common parent. J Agric Food Chem 51: 6006–6013.
  • Gancel A.L., Grimplet J., Sauvage F.X., Ollitrault P. and  Brillouet J.M. (2006) Predominant expression of diploid mandarin leaf proteome in two citrus mandarin-derived somatic allotetraploid hybrids. J. Agric. Food Chem., 54 (17), 212 -6218.

Last update: 16 March 2018