Diversity, Adaptation and Breeding of Grapevine (DAAV)


Last update: 7 January 2019

All projects which we coordinate

In this 3-axes framework, we conduct our research projects by collaborating with others, locally first, with other teams from AGAP and other Joint Research Units in Montpellier (notably SPO, LEPSE, MISTEA). We also have projects in common with other INRA laboratories working on grapevine (SVQV in Colmar and EGFV in Bordeaux) and genomics (URGI near Paris). We also have collaborative projects with actors of the sector (Inter-Rhone, CNIV, Fondation Poupelain, CIVN... ) and participate in research projects financed within the framework of the Plan National Dépérissement du vignoble (National Vineyard Wilt Plan). At the European level, we mostly collaborate with JKI in Germany, CREA and Fondation Edmund Mach in Italy, CSIC and IMIDRA in Spain, and Agroscope in Switzerland, University of Copenhagen in Danmark. At the international level, we collaborate with UC Davis and Cornell in the US, as well as IHVO in Georgia.

Projects which we coordinate

Synchro Metab 1-2: Developing physiological knowledge and tools to select vine varieties that desynchronize primary (sugars) and secondary (polyphenols) metabolisms in response to climate change, 2015.

G2WAS: Grape Genes for WAter Scarcity, New tools and resources for breeding grapevine varieties better adapted to water stress. ANR 2020-2023

NBT-Vigne2: Development and optimization of genome editing in Vine. Institut Carnot 2020-2021

SIGN: Spectroscopy, a tool for traceability and management of intra-varietal variability in vines. CASDAR 2016-2020. 

VITIRAMA: Characterization of vine genetic resources in relation to tolerance to pests and diseases. CASDAR 2017-2020.

TOLEDE: Understanding vine tolerance and fungal aggressiveness to limit the contribution of wood diseases to vineyard decline. National Plan Vineyard Dieback (2017-2020)

VITIMAGE: Dynamic monitoring of wood colonisation by pathogens responsible for wood diseases: use of non-destructive imaging tools. National Vineyard Dieback Plan (2017-2020)

Projects in which we participate

ATOMIVINE: Molecular markers of vine wood dieback: identification, characterization and structuring at the atomic scale. National Vineyard Wilt Plan. 4 years

VINICULTURE: Vineyards and wines in France from the Neolithic to the Middle Ages, integrated approach in archaeosciences, ANR 2016-2020.

Laccave2: Vines and wine in the face of climate change: INRA, ACCAF meta-program, 2018-2021.

SELGenVit: Genomic selection at the service of grapevine breeding for diversification and deployment of disease resistant varieties with high oenological potentials ANR 2020-2022.

Last update: 7 January 2019