Phenotyping and Modeling of Plants in their Agro-climatic ENvironment (PhenoMEn)

On-going projects

Last update: 19 April 2022

The research work carried out in our team is financed in the framework of numerous contracted projects that reflect the diversity of our objects of study (plant species, environmental constraints studied, phenotyping methods used and/or developed, data analysis methods used and/or developed, models used and/or developed), but also of the geographical areas where these projects are carried out (France, Europe and many countries of the South: Senegal, Madagascar, Colombia, Cambodia, Burkina-Faso, …).

Our projects are supported by our affiliated institutes (CIRAD, INRAE), by French (Fondation Agropolis) and European (H2020, regional funds) donors, and by various sources (French private companies, international organizations...). They are presented here in the form of fact sheets containing the main information.

Last update: 19 April 2022