Développement adaptatif du riz et du sorgho (DARS)

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Date de mise à jour : 28 novembre 2022

Céline Gottin, Anne Dievart, Marilyne Summo, Gaëtan Droc, Christophe Périn, Vincent Ranwez, Nathalie Chantret. A new comprehensive annotation of leucine-rich repeat-containing receptors in rice. Plant J. 2021 Oct;108(2):492-508. 

Bes M, Herbert L, Mounier T, Meunier AC, Durandet F, Guiderdoni E, Périn C Genome editing in rice protoplasts using CRISPR/CAS9 construct Methods Mol Biol. 2021;2238:173-191

Burgarella, C., Berger, A., Glémin, S., David, J., Terrier, N., Deu, M., Pot, D., 2021. The Road to Sorghum Domestication: Evidence From Nucleotide Diversity and Gene Expression Patterns. Front. Plant Sci. 12, 1706. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.666075

Jinmi Yoon, Lae-Hyeon Cho, Wenzhu Yang, Richa Pasriga, Yunfei Wu, Woo-Jong Hong, Charlotte Bureau, Soo Jin Wi, Tao Zhang, Rongchen Wang, Dabing Zhang, Ki-Hong Jung, Ky Young Park, Christophe Périn, Yunde Zhao, and Gynheung An Homeobox transcription factor OsZHD2 promotes root meristem activity in rice by inducing ethylene biosynthesis. J Exp Bot. 2020 Sep 19;71(18):5348-5364

Anne Dievart, Celine Gottin, Christophe Périn, Vincent Ranwez, and Nathalie Chantret. Origin and Diversity of Plant Receptor Kinases. Annual Review of Plant Biology 2020 Ann Rev Plant Biol .2020 Apr 29;71:131-156

Mounier T, Navarro SS, Bureau C, Lefeuvre A, Varoquaux F, Durandet F, Périn C. A fast, efficient and high-throughput procedure involving laser microdissection and RT droplet digital PCR for tissue-specific expression profiling of rice roots. BMC Mol Cell Biol. 2020 Dec 10;21(1):92

Leo Herbert, Anne-Cécile Meunier, Martine Bes, Aurore Vernet, Murielle Portefaix, Franz Durandet, Remy Michel, Christian Chaine, Patrice This, Emmanuel Guiderdoni and Christophe Périn.  Beyond Seek and Destroy: how to Generate Allelic Series Using Genome Editing Tools Rice (NY). 2020 Jan 28;13(1):5

Hennet, L., Berger, A., Trabanco, N., Ricciuti, E., Dufayard, J.-F., Bocs, S., Bastianelli, D., Bonnal, L., Roques, S., Rossini, L., Luquet, D., Terrier, N., Pot, D., 2020. Transcriptional Regulation of Sorghum Stem Composition: Key Players Identified Through Co-expression Gene Network and Comparative Genomics Analyses. Front. Plant Sci. 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2020.00224

Bureau C, Lanau N, Ingouff M, Hassan B, Meunier AC, Divol F, Sevilla R, Mieulet D, Dievart A, Périn C. A protocol combining multiphoton microscopy and propidium iodide for deep 3D root meristem imaging in rice: application for the screening and identification of tissue-specific enhancer trap lines. Plant Methods. 2018 Oct 29;14:96.

Giri J., Bhosale R., Huang G., Pandey B.K., Parker H., Zappala S., Yang J., Dievart A., Bureau C., Ljung K., Price A., Rose T., Larrieu A., Mairhofer S., Sturrock C.J., White P., Dupuy L., Hawkesford M, Perin C., Liang W., Peret B., Hodgman C.T., Lynch J., Wissuwa M, Zhang D., Pridmore T.,  Mooney S.J., Guiderdoni E., Swarup R. & Bennett M.J.  Rice auxin influx carrier OsAUX1 facilitates root hair elongation in response to low external phosphate.  Nat Commun. 2018 Apr 12;9(1):1408.

Frouin J, Languillaume A, Mas J, Mieulet D, Boisnard A, Labeyrie A, Bettembourg M, Bureau C, Lorenzini E, Portefaix M, Turquay P, Vernet A, Périn C, Ahmadi N, Courtois B.Tolerance to mild salinity stress in japonica rice: A genome-wide association mapping study highlights calcium signaling and metabolism genes. PLoS One. 2018 Jan 17;13(1):e0190964.

Mathilde Bettembourg; Marina Dal-Soglio; Charlotte Bureau; Aurore Vernet; Audrey Dardou; Murielle Portefaix; Martine Bes; Donaldo Meynard; Delphine Mieulet; Bastien Cayrol; Christophe Périn; Brigitte Courtois; Jian Feng Ma; Anne Dievart. Root cone angle is enlarged in docs1 LRR-RLK mutants in rice. Rice (NY). 2017 Dec 15;10(1):50.

Bettembourg M, Dardou A, Audebert A, Thomas E, Frouin J, Guiderdoni E, Ahmadi N, Perin C, Dievart A, Courtois B. Genome-wide association mapping for root cone angle in rice. Rice (NY). 2017 Oct 2;10(1):45.

Dufayard JF, Bettembourg M, Fischer I, Droc G, Guiderdoni E, Périn C, Chantret N, Diévart A. New Insights on Leucine-Rich Repeats Receptor-Like Kinase Orthologous Relationships in Angiosperms. Front Plant Sci. 2017 Apr 5;8:381.

Yang J, Yuan Z, Meng Q, Huang G, Périn C, Bureau C, Meunier AC, Ingouff M, Bennett MJ, Liang W, Zhang D. Dynamic Regulation of Auxin Response during Rice Development Revealed by Newly Established Hormone Biosensor Markers. Front Plant Sci. 2017 Mar 7;8:256.

Henry S, Dievart A, Divol F, Pauluzzi G, Meynard D, Swarup R, Wu S, Gallagher KL, Périn C. SHR overexpression induces the formation of supernumerary cell layers with cortex cell identity in rice. Dev Biol. 2017 May 1;425(1):1-7.

Henry S, Divol F, Bettembourg M, Bureau C, Guiderdoni E, Périn C, Diévart A. Immunoprofiling of Rice Root Cortex Reveals Two Cortical Subdomains. Front Plant Sci. 2016 Jan 7;6:1139.

Lartaud M, Perin C, Courtois B, Thomas E, Henry S, Bettembourg M, Divol F, Lanau N, Artus F, Bureau C, Verdeil JL, Sarah G, Guiderdoni E, Dievart A. PHIV-RootCell: a supervised image analysis tool for rice root anatomical parameter quantification. Front Plant Sci. 2015 Jan 19;5:790.

Wu S, Lee CM, Hayashi T, Price S, Divol F, Henry S, Pauluzzi G, Perin C, Gallagher KL. A plausible mechanism, based upon SHORT-ROOT movement, for regulating the number of cortex cell layers in roots. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Nov 11;111(45):16184-9

Hajjoul, H., Lartaud, M., Perin, C., Nacry, P., Guyomar'ch, S., Margeat, E., Conejero, G., Verdeil, J.L. 2014. 4D vertical imaging of plant growth in physiological conditions with two photons microscopy. Hot Topics in Molecular Imaging-TOPIM, 2017/01/19-24, Les Houches, France.

Ahmadi N., Audebert A., Bennett M. J., Bishopp A., Costa de Oliveira A., Courtois B., Diédhiou A.G., Dievart A., Gantet P., Ghesquière A., Guiderdoni E., Henry A., Inukai Y., Kochian L.V., Laplaze L., Lucas M., Trung Luu D., Manneh B., Mo X., Muthurajan R., Perin C., Price A. H., Robin S., Sentenac H., Sine B., Uga Y., Very A.A., Wissuwa M., Wu P., Xu J. The roots of future rice harvests. Rice (NY). 2014 Dec;7(1):29

Pauluzzi G., Divol F., Puig J., Guiderdoni E., Dievart A. and Perin C. Surfing along the root ground tissue gene network. Dev Biol. 2012 May 1;365(1):14-22.

Y. Coudert, C. Périn, B. Courtois, N. G. Khong and P. Gantet. Genetic control of root development in rice, the model cereal. Trends Plant Sci. 2010 Apr;15(4):219-26 (2010)

J. Rebouillat, A. Dievart, JL. Verdeil, J. Escoute, G. Giese, JC. Breitler, P. Gantet, S. Espeout, E. Guiderdoni and C. Périn (2009). Molecular genetics of rice root development. Rice volume 2, pages 15–34 (2009).

Date de mise à jour : 28 novembre 2022