Montpellier GAMET Biological Resource Centre


Last update: 31 August 2023

The mission of the GAMéT Biological Resource Center is to acquire, validate, conserve and disseminate biological resources and related information. These activities are organized in an increasingly professional manner to meet the growing demand for samples and associated data from fundamental and applied research players, as well as farmers' organizations in developing countries.

Acquisition and validation of biological resources

Montpellier GAMET BRC acquires new biological resources on the recommendation of  recognized scientists. After a feasibility study, and if accepted, the seeds received are tested to verify their sustainability and compliance; they are then packaged and added to the biological resource collections. All introductions are integrated in the central database and, more generally, in the information system ensuring the traceability of all stored batches.

Storage of biological resources

After validation, the accessions received (or arising from multiplication) are stored in a storage room at +4°C and backup sets are stored at -18°C. Germination tests are carried out regularly and conservation conditions are controlled (temperature, humidity) in compliance with a climate room monitoring procedure.

To renew batches with low germination capacity or for which the quantity in stock is less than a predetermined threshold, multiplication campaigns are organized in greenhouses, in the Camargue region or in Guadeloupe.

Distribution of biological resources

Prior to distribution to a customer, Montpellier GAMET BRC considers the request and assesses its feasibility. For seed shipments abroad, the customer must provide an import permit (if necessary) and an MTA (Material Transfer Agreement) for the transfer of biological resources. Seed samples are taken from stocks then sent to the customer with the name of the accessions requested, their viability and the quantities distributed. The TBRC database is updated to keep track of all the operations carried out.

The regulatory aspects can take some time, so it is necessary to submit requests well in advance of requirements.

Last update: 31 August 2023